Bassikõlar Canton - Subwoofer Plus C 12"

9 kuud
Kuulutusviis: Snap&Sell
Müüja:Helari Sangla
Asukoht:Kesklinn, Tallinn, Estonia
Seisukord: Kasutatud - hea
120,00 €

Väga heas seisukorras passiivne subwoofer 12" elemendiga. Made in Germany 1986-2000. Dimensions: 340 x 360 x 350 mm (W x H x D). Weight: 12 kg Original price approx.: 500,- DM Technical Data Type: Subwoofer, passive, closed Low frequency: 1 x 310 mm Power handling: 2 x 70 / 100 watts (sine/music). Efficiency: 88 dB Frequency response: 22 - 120 Hz. Slope 12 dB/octave Harmonic distortion below 0.9%. Frequency response: Impedance: 4 ohms

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